Thursday, 8 May 2025
Community group Holmes Chapel Partnership and Holmes Chapel Parish Council will be holding our annual Walk to School event on Thursday 8th May.
This date coincides with the VE Day (Victory in Europe) 80th Anniversary. We encourage all participants to come with red, white and blue accessories.
This is the fifth year we have run this event in Holmes Chapel in conjunction with Living Streets, the UK charity of everyday walking.
Despite the rain last year cancelling our initial date (2024) our walk was well attended by local school children, teachers, residents and our Parish and Ward councillors. Together, we are continuing to campaign for safer walking routes through our village.
Route 1: Meet at the entrance to The Cottons estate near the pedestrian crossing ready to leave at 8.20am. We will cross Middlewich Road, through the new cut through into Lingmell Gardens and onto Coniston Drive. Turn left onto Grasmere then cross Chester Road. We will then walk up Brookfield Drive before turning right and dropping off at Holmes Chapel Primary School. We will then continue along Middlewich Road, through Bessancourt to Church Walk before crossing London Road at the pedestrian crossing. We will then walk along Macclesfield Road to the pedestrian crossing then continue to Picton Square, Rees Crescent and finally Hermitage Drive to arrive at the Hermitage Primary School.
Route 2: Meet at the entrance to the Brooklands estate ready to leave at 8.20am. We will cross Station Road at the pedestrian crossing and walk along Manor Lane before turning left onto Macclesfield Road. Those going to Hermitage Primary School will cross Macclesfield Road into Hermitage Drive. Everyone else will continue along Macclesfield Road, taking the path behind the church to cross London Road at the pedestrian crossing. Walk down Church Walk towards Bessancourt then turn left to arrive at Holmes Chapel Primary School.
You can join either route along the way, no need to be at the start point.
Take a look at this video of our 2022 event: